Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

If I was in this situation, I would pull my child from that school that very day. I would enroll in a school that demonstrates sanity, a Christian school, or homeschool. I have seen too much destruction and I love my kids too much to allow this to gain a foothold in their lives. This would be very difficult financially, but I would have to make tradeoffs. Move into a cheaper or smaller home, sell a vehicle and live with one, have my wife or I quit a job and the other get extra income, whatever it took, I would do it for the health of my children.

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We were in the same situation. My daughter had an IEP for emotional disability. Against our parental wishes and against the recommendations of my daughter's clinical team, the school insisted on affirming. They cited Title IX. Once we got lawyers involved, they finally capitulated. More parents need to stand up to the schools. They bank on parents rolling over. Call their bluff! They have no right and no grounds to be doing this to our kids!

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022

Frightening, and you have my sympathy.

Is changing schools an option or home schooling?

More and more parents, even ones who have never considered home schooling are pulling ressources together and starting homeschooling cooperatives.

It’s a shame that it has come to this, and that parents need to have a real fear of the school system.

I’ve read more than one account of CPS getting involved because parents weren’t “affirmative” enough which is scary.

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I have been so impressed with this group fighting the horrific trans cult. The courage, clarity, caring. And also the wonderful support. So I don't want to just quit, but since yesterday I have been repeatedly harassed by "Jessica Ego Brain." Not just disagreement, but the kind of ridicule and bullying I'm used to getting when talking back to the trans cult. I've had enough of that for over 50 years. Any ideas on how to stop this harassment? I don't see anyway to block or how to object to admin.

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Trump supporters here, do you support his right wing court and agree that ten year old rape victims be denied the right to an abortion?

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If your daughter decides she is a bird will the case manager help her to the roof and help her leap off to be her own bird self? Every time an adult confirms a child's delusional thoughts regarding their gender they are helping them inch closer to the edge of that roof. They don't actually care what happens to your daughter as long as their twisted ideology is served. Remember, they will never have to pay the consequences of poor decisions your daughter makes due to their toxic influence. They will happily walk her to the edge of a roof but when she steps off they will be turning around to help another confused child make the same magical journey to self destruction. You will be left with the broken body on the sidewalk.

Be bold, fight them every chance you get. She is your daughter not their science experiment. If you have no hope of winning then get your daughter out of that school.

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Every parent concerned about the insidious impacts of these gender ideologies, should never fear speaking out in the public forum. There are many of us across the political spectrum.

One way is to stay on top of legislation that tries to codify ideological agendas into laws. I've already drawn my lines, but this is one red line too far. We have 6 days to submit public comments on the latest from the Dept of Health and Human Services.

See here: https://www.regulations.gov/document/HHS-OS-2022-0012-0001. In essence, this proposal would open the door to punishing doctors and other medical personnel for refusing to perform "gender affirming care" on patients even if it's against their professional medical opinion. It also seeks to redefine discrimination based on sex, to include "gender identity." Insidious at best. We cannot let this pass.

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Sep 27, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022

OMG do I ever feel this post.

Last year, our daughter had already officially changed her name, gender and pronouns in all of the school systems. When it came time for the IEP with our daughter and all of the school staff, I sat there while they all referred to her with they/them. While she was sitting there. It was the most surreal, dehumanizing and bizarre experience I've ever had as a parent. I continued to use her original name and pronouns throughout the meeting. I wondered if any of them cared about how I must feel. ONly one of them has kids of her own.

She's already told me that all of her support people at school call me "the most transphobic parent ever" (not sure if that's true). You cannot win no matter what you say, or what you do, no matter how much your heart is ripping apart or your face is flushing over with anger at what these people are doing to our children. The only way to "win" is to affirm and celebrate, and I would sooner die myself.

My daughter's school therapist is who I'm sure convinced her to change her name and pronouns in the system. Never mind that my daughter was failing classes, had late assignments, doesn't shower or brush her teeth. Nobody cares about any of the other red flags that are going on despite her being on the medication she thinks solves all of her problems. There is no regard for any of that, only an agenda.

Mine is a senior in HS, so I plan to have a parting shot when it no longer matters. I'm shipping a box of the book "Irreversible Damage" to every staff member at the school, and sharing a piece of my mind over how destructive I think what they're doing is.

I'm sorry you're going through this. You're not alone.

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We have to suppress our anger at what is complete nonsense. Our children are captivated by an evil lie. If we try to argue or state our truth we risk losing a relationship with our child. Weird adults will replace us, stealing our child’s respect. We have no control in this tricky game of chess.

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I'll drop this comment maybe for a bit of levity, or just 'news' from another perch.

My Vancouver civic election collaborator and I hit schools daily with our flyers to catch parents one-on-one. Today, while a dad was deep in convo with me (and including his young son and early-teen daughter in the conversation), my co-campaigner was approached by the trembling-with-rage principal, who had been alerted to our parking-lot visit.

The visibly unhinged principal threatened police if we continued our "hate crimes". Yes, she actually said it (twice). To the schools, campaigning to protect children from all this is a "hate crime." In the brainwashed minds of the "progressive" hypnotized woke, protecting children from a demented, delusional pharma/med-driven ideology IS THE SAME AS ________________ (name an actual hate crime).

Mass hypnosis. "Mass formation," as Mathias Desmet puts it. We can do this (and are doing it) because parents in the middle of it cannot. And this is how the system reacts when it loses control of the narrative. It's incredible to see.

We'll continue til the end of the election (Oct 15). Hope we make some inroads. Canadian MSM is a lost cause, so we're depending on word-of-mouth and alt-media to make waves.

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Why don't you homeschool your daughter?

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You are correct, trying to deal sanely with insanity... you always lose!

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It’s not impossible that your daughter’s case manager *wants* you to demand correct pronouns and names. Schools have been pressured to take on this craziness and she doesn’t know that you’re not on board. Maybe she’d be quite pleased to be given license by a parent to speak the truth?

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Thank you! It’s been a long and painful journey. I’m still very much on high alert… it’s hard to let your guard down once you’ve lived this nightmare. But the peace that we have regained makes it worth it.

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Thank you for a very well written example of how powerless we mothers feel when faced with the evil force of gender ideology.

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I always took the opportunity to tell the hell out of the wrongness the school was doing to my daughter. Shove it back at them. Make them fear you.

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