Thank you for sharing your story, and thank you for your medical service. You gave me a whole new perspective of what else this transgender ideology lie is doing to our world - transmen needing medical care because they will always have female organs and female body parts that they were born with. What a difficult situation you are in, but you are not alone. Stay strong. I pray your daughter will detransition and return to you so healing can begin. I pray that God will give you the courage and wisdom you need for both your personal and professional life.

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This is heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing. I’m so sorry. I entirely agree this is the new anorexia. It’s so hard for the moms as we know they once looked to us as an example of how to become a woman. They are rejecting us and it’s so terribly painful every minute of the day. Stay strong- continue to find solace in the important work you are doing for women. Hopefully the tide is turning! ❤️

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"Our efforts towards inclusivity include sensitivity to different family configurations and use of pronouns with our patients." Do you now understand that the widespread adoption of that practice and the underlying belief system is exactly what led to your current dilemma?

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I have also faced a dilemma at work over the adoption of this language. I have walked away from projects that required me to parrot this language, and I am considering walking away from the entire organization. I am waiting for that pendulum swing, but more importantly, I want to find a way to help swing it back to a sensible place. Thank you for sharing this story.

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You should start thinking now about how to transition your career. There are places that will be open to an OBGYN who is principled on this issue -- perhaps even willing to advocate for a better balance.

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Just curious how your clinic was wanting to standing on the trans women aspect. MTF. My 16 year old son has already, in anger, mentioned he can get the hormones he wants when he goes off to college. I’m trying to look for colleges that don’t have a planned parenthood that offers female hormones for boys. Crazy, I know!! Boys can’t be girls and the idea that a woman’s clinic will treat my son, because he thinks he wants to be a girl, is insane.

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This was so well written and affecting. Thank you.

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Seeing the same trend of "gender neutral" language in the sector I work in. It deeply upsets me. I'm angered by the factual inaccuracy, the disrespect for women, and the mangling of language. But I also feel this terminology is...distancing? Terms like woman, mother, breastfeeding, childbirth, girl, boy etc have an immediacy, they describe something we can instantly understand and relate to. Every culture on earth presumably has words like this. Terms like "birthing parent" don't work like that. They distance the speaker and hearer from the reality of that person's situation, slowing their mental processing like a speed bump. The intent may be inclusion, but I fear the impact is a reduction in empathy and closeness, a weird coldness.

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Thank you for writing. I think that no one really understands how bad this is until it hits their own family.

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As a parent, I have the same feelings as you. Why didn't I see what was happening??? I teach in 2 Catholic Schools, and have telling my principal in one of the schools about what is going on -- in our school! About library books supporting trans agenda... I'm 3 years from retiring, not sure how long I can hang on. We know the truth, and the rest that support this agenda are wrong.

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Thank for standing up for women and girls. I wrote this recently...I don't know if this helps, but the term chestfeeding is NOT gender neutral and "chest" is a more masculine term now supplanting the more gender-neutral "breast" - https://wholistic.substack.com/p/chestfeeding-is-less-gender-neutral

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THIS IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE!!! There is this horrific nightmare that we're all in and the authorities that should be waking people up are instead, continuing to add to it. It is all so unreal and incredulous!!! How can people be that afraid to speak the truth or that effing stupid? And yes, no one gives a shit about it when it doesn't touch their family. God maybe put you in this position for a reason so thank you for this comment and stay strong! We are with you!

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We set up systems and organisations and use language in a way that will best serve the most people most of the time. Changing things to suit an extremely small minority is basically throwing the baby out with the bath water. The cold, clinical language used to cater to these minorities has no ‘face’ to it, and we humans are very face-orientated.

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Aug 1, 2022·edited Aug 1, 2022

I will be passing this on to friends who work in women's health. Some are very uncomfortable, others are fine with it and others are trying very hard not to think too much.

Hello All, we had friends over the other night who'd just got back from NY and their niece's HS graduation. They described how she wore a suit and short hair for graduation because she, "always has to be different!" Then they talked about the their growing awareness that their niece might be on the spectrum.

I got warning bells ringing in my ears. She is headed to University in the fall. I said nothing but want to follow up. How can I respond? I dont have a trans ID kid, I'm just a bystander. Is it even advised? I truly appreciate any advice.

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Why? Why? Why?!

Yes, I certainly feel your anguish and pain. I do. But, when do we collectively STOP? Just STOP? STOP and say a compassionate, but FIRM - NO. NO, we are not going to be ruled by this minority. NO, we will not give this a platform on which to thrive. NO you many not take our young, beautiful children and corrupt their developing minds with this sickness. The reasons they have chosen this path are varied, therefore we will be kind and considerate, but we will NOT normalize trans. TRANS is NOT normal. This is a cult of behavior. This is a sick fad that by condoning and bending to its will, we are promoting its existence. I cannot thank all the parents who have shared their heart wrenching experiences on these pages. It is because of all of you that we are beginning to educate ourselves. And, because of you, and what we are learning, we MUST educate others. Through education we can expose this monster. Because that's what this is - it's a monster among us. STOP. Say NO.

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I applaud you for trying to use your personal knowledge to influence medicine for the good.

I am a doctor in the UK, unfortunately only in aesthetics now, hence I have little influence over anything important, however I spread the word with colleagues when I can. It’s astounding how tolerant medics are until it affects us personally.

Try to keep going.

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