You should write the good administrator back and ask how many parents have actually HEARD about this policy.

I suspect that this is the last thing they want.

I’m not suggesting you jump out as an activist, but you might consider emailing other parents in the district and let them know about these policies.

Most of them probably had no idea about this, and many parents who’d usually support “LGBTQ rights” would take pause at the fact that the school district might not inform them about gender/name change of their child.

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There are photos going around of a male shop teacher in Ontario, with Humungous fake boobs (+ erect nipples), and long blonde hair. One of the photos is of him standing with that long flowing hair way too close to machinery in class. Supposedly, a year before, he was not very woke ( https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/athena-thorne/2022/09/25/or-maybe-the-trans-shop-teacher-is-the-hero-we-need-right-now-n1632054 )

In Clown World, it's hard to know what's real or not these days. But if this is a stunt, maybe more like this (or demands for Pirate Affirmation Surgery, or to be treated as one's Preferred Species), will bring to light how absurd this is ...

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Just remember what they’ve done. One day everyone of these “teachers” will be out of a License and out of a Job forever.

Teachers aren’t supposed to abuse kids but these Unethical, Immoral “teachers” are abusing kids and one day, that’s gonna come back to haunt them, as it should.

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So excellent, and it sure isn't your fault that you missed a meeting pushing a fantasy cult that already has a horrific history of abuse and rape and murder.

I'm not sure if I posted her before about Kitty Robinson's excellent book about when she was abused as a teenaged girl by a man pretending to be a Lesbian:


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but not dissenting opinion.

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Also... don't feel bad for not knowing, they intentionally slip stuff through with little exposure so there can be no opposition.

"A major international law firm has helped write a lobbying manual for people who want to change the law to prevent parents having the final say about significant changes in the status of their own children. That manual advises those lobbying for that change to hide their plans behind a 'veil' and to make sure that neither the media nor the wider public know much about the changes affecting children that they are seeking to make. Because if the public find out about those changes, they might well object to them."


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I’m attending my first ever school board meeting this evening. We must band together and speak the truth for the safety of our precious innocent children.

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We must fight on by speaking truth. Trans is nothing but a false ideology. How the world has caved to it, I don’t understand.

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I am of the opinion (which was somewhat alluded to in this article) that lack of parental involvement in the school system is to blame for what is going on in these schools and parents are just going to have to organize to take these schools back. There’s no other solution. Galvanizing parents, making them aware of these debates and policies as they take place, running for school board, even crowd funding to pay for lawyers when it’s relevant --- Nothing will change as long as these tyrants are left to parade around like your children are their property. 🤷🏾‍♀️

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If the article is behind a pay wall, I will copy and paste it in the comments.

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Follow the trail of breadcrumbs to find that leftist activists are behind these innocent looking "consultation" groups. They sure did a good job infiltrating the schools and shaping policy and setting up GSA clubs... all to continue their indoctrination.

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I have read that in Virginia today there will be student walkouts to support gender ideology.

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Every single word you write resonate with how I feel, I feel like shouting of the roof tops, are everyone else just blind??

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This has to stop! One of the things I just realized with the new release of SOC 08 is the change in the language of gender to 'gender diverse'. It allows MORE kids to become trapped into the medicalization nightmare, like up to 8% I think I heard. Now genderqueer and non binary can be included in these 'guidelines'. The latest Transparency podcast illuminates this new terminology so expect to see it everywhere now. https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3RyYW5zcGFyZW5jeS9mZWVkLnhtbA/episode/VHJhbnNwYXJlbmN5LnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2ZjZThlZjQ5LWI4Y2ItMzNjMC05ZWFhLTZjMTU0YWE5MzQxMA?hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwjw5s6XzrX6AhWhLEQIHYWkBacQjrkEegQIAxAF&ep=6 SOC 08: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/26895269.2022.2100644

From page 13, Terminology chapter of SOC 08: "Thus, the term transgender and gender diverse was chosen with the intent to be most inclusive and to highlight the many diverse gender identities, expressions, experiences, and health care needs of TGD people. A Delphi process was used wherein SOC-8 chapter authors were anonymously and iteratively surveyed over several rounds to obtain consensus on terms. The SOC-8 presents standards of care that strive to be applicable to TGD people globally, no matter how a person self-identifies or expresses their gender."

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Felice- Great piece. So well said! I feel your rage and I haven't even had a child directly struggle with this. When I have questioned our district's horrendous policies and curriculum, I have received a very similar response from our School Board president. Why wasn't I at the meetings when this was discussed? I guess they are implying that if one person like you or I had been there, none of this BS would be in our districts? Give me a break. I agree with you that most parents are going along assuming that the school is not enacting abusively dangerous ideology. I have had multiple responses with this type of language. The worst may have been the phone conversation when the VP of our school board would not answer this question, "Do you think it is appropriate for adults to ask children about their sexuality?" I posed this question after a secret "belonging" survey in which my 11 year old was asked if she "Identifies with the LGBTQ+ community." ( I know from a friend that it was asked of 3rd and 4th grade too so I assume it was all kids) He would literally not say whether or not he agreed that it is appropriate to ask this question of a child from an adult. So I said, "Then I will assume you do think it is appropriate. You believe that an adult male (my daughter's teacher) has the right to privately ask her about her sexuality without me knowing." These people have totally drank the Kool- Aid. It is enraging and scary.

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