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What "modern popular feminists" have been saying isn't feminism in any true sense. I think that it's gotten to this point as part of a backlash against the very idea of women's rights, and waves of backlashes against women's rights movements started very long ago indeed. Can I suggest, if you have time, delving more into women's history and the history of feminist ideas? Feminism is a discipline like any other and can't really be understood on any meaningful level without some study (unfortunately). It's something for good men to study too, as a way to understand the state of male-female relations and how things came to be the way they are for so many. Also recommend studying the history of children/child welfare.

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Feminism espousing women are absolutely helping to propagate gender ideology. A lot of it stems from the feminists who insisted that gender was nothing but a function of socialization. A lot of off also flows from the idea that men are all shitty asshole men.

My 19 year old now fully desisted son didn’t fit either of the two main types of trans identified males- he wasn’t AGP/cross dressing fetishist attracted to himself as a woman and he wasn’t homosexual.

Just like some girls want a ticket out of girlhood, boys are hearing that men are toxic, men are trash, men are all rapists and they also want a ticket out of being a member of The Worst Oppressor Class (tm). He’s autistic so the regressive black and white gender boxes that Gen Z age progressive left types are pushing right now didn’t help but really, it was mostly misplaced hatred of men and maleness that manifested as self loathing.

I had to look in the mirror and take responsibility for how, as a feminist myself, the things that I was part of at one time were what made my son think that there was no good way, no acceptable way, to be a man. My husband and I were thankfully able to help him desist but the whole process has been like loosing a religion. We aren’t progressive leftists anymore and I’m d.o.n.e. with whatever has become of feminism.

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My lefty friends:

“If your feminism doesn’t include transwomen and consider sex work empowering, THEN YOU’RE NOT A FEMINIST”

Me, after a bit of thinking:

“Yeah. I’m really not a feminist anymore”

Lefty friends:


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These are men earlier feminists and LGBs pushed back on. They re-branded as 'transgender' but they are the same male, heterosexual cross-dresser sexual fetishists they have always been.


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Feminism is the battleground where "trans" has been fought. The word TERF implies this reality. As an historian, it's what I would expect. Women were at the forefront of every major social movement and cultural shift in history so far and history has not ended. Anyone who has accompanied Billboard Chris or Posie Parker on her American tour has seen with their own eyes that "feminist" women are pushing the child sterilizing cult and the sports cheats and the prison rapists on us all. Feminist women are also fighting to stop them. We have to accept that both things are true and this is where the heart of the fight is happening.

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hmm. I've always been Republican, conservative, Pro-Life and strongly believe the traditional family is the ideal family for kids, communities and other living things.

I think what you're espousing, is exactly what Pro-Lifers and conservatives have been espousing since the sexual revolution. We've lost every battle and it looks like we've lost the war. Good luck using the tactics we perfected but came to naught.

The reality is, entertainment, Big Media, schools pre-k to graduate level, corporate America and most politicians don't really care about this issue. As Republicans used to say about neocons "A liberal who has been mugged", a feminist who goes against the transcult is a mother who lost a child, metaphorically or literally, to the transcult.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's all Republican Governors that are enacting legislation against child transitioning. No Democrat office holder has said boo about it - Not Obama, he started it, Not Pelosi, Not Schumer and Biden is encouraging it. We, conservatives also thought we could get organized, pass legislation and prevent gay marriage. (I personally favored Civil Unions just so it wouldn't become a marriage hatchet.) We got DOMA ACT passed and a few states put amendments in their constitutions prohibiting same sex marriage. Obergerfell changed all that in one fell swoop by the SCOTUS decision literally overnight. Btw, ask me how many of my liberal Democrat friends will agree with me about homosexuality privately but never, ever say a word around another Democrat. Democrats say a lot of crap when they think they're talking to a Republican and can get away with it. They'll "agree" with you too privately but they won't stand with you against the rent-a-mob.

If you want things to change, you are not going to get that change through speaking truth to power because power doesn't listen to truth. Power listens to force and money. Before you know it, SCOTUS will probably flip back to being Democrat controlled and one of the first cases the left is going to cough up, is going to be mandating that kids who identify as a gender other than their biological sex, be allowed to transition without obstacles. The money, the power, the ideology, the media and academia are all on the side of the gender blenders.

You need to take the next step. You need to join with Republicans. It's the only force big enough to actually stop this madness but you won't be able to do it, if you're still in the lefty woman mindset. Whether you admit it or not, women in the 1950's were far better off on every metric than they are today despite your mother's stories. The Sexual Revolution did nothing good for women except make women a box ticking category for Nixon's Affirmative Action policies. Just like other box ticking category groups, it only propelled a few women at the top, even higher. It did nothing for the majority of women but make it so women had to work given the required two income family. Segergated want ads were probably better for women, if you think about it.

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This is so brilliant and well said.

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Thank you. This is a great write up and much aligned with how I feel and think.

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Long-time lurker here. Mid-thirties, young kids, no trans-ID’d family, some trans-ID’d former friends from my all-girls high school.

“‘Pick-me’ feminists and Not Like Other Girls-types are always eager to flatter men by distancing themselves from other women, especially older and wiser women. It’s a kind of intergenerational self-harm that is irresistible to these young women.”

Perhaps. But did it ever occur to you that maybe it’s less about “I pick men over women” than it is about simply not relating to self-described “older and wiser women,” or being convinced by their arguments? That maybe they see themselves as people first, women second, and they’re siding with the people with whom they feel more ideologically aligned?

This is what I find so off-putting about a lot of gender-critical feminists, even though I agree with them that women are a separate category from MtF trans people and deserve their own spaces. (No adult penises in the women’s locker room, thanks.) They act like other women owe them philosophical allegiance because they all happened to be born with two X chromosomes. “I’m older and wiser than you, you silly, easily-swayed, dick-chasing little woman-child” is not a persuasive argument.

The prime example of this was when Gloria Steinem claimed young women supported Bernie Sanders because “when you're young, you're thinking, 'Where are the boys?' The boys are with Bernie." They couldn’t just find Bernie Sanders a better candidate than Hillary Clinton for ideological reasons - any THINKING woman would have picked Hillary, so therefore young female Bernie supporters weren’t thinking. And what must motivate any young woman who isn’t thinking? Sex and male approval, of course - those air-brained, lusty bimbos. Gee, what a great way for feminists to win friends and influence people.

I agree with you that feminists have created an unnecessarily dire picture of life as a woman. The one and only time someone told me, “You can’t do that, you’re a girl” was when my five-year-old cousin told five-year-old me that I couldn’t be Robin Hood for Halloween. (I did it anyway.)

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Excellent article!

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I am a Radical Lesbian Feminist and Lesbian Separatist, as I've been since I was 19 in 1970. We fought the trans cult from the beginning, and mostly succeeded until about 20 years ago when the medical system and drug companies realized what a lucrative market they found. The GB didn't help, but no Lesbian I know joined the "LGBTQ" crap that erased us. It was clear from the beginning when the man who targeted me when I was 17 decided he was a "Lesbian" and stalked me into the Lesbian community, where he was finally welcomed in spite of also being a sado-masochist. This was before the murders of Lesbians and women and girls who say no to these men. And yes, then women (many het/bisexual, like Pat Califia) decided they were "transmen" to increase their status and power.

But real Feminism, Radical Feminism, and Lesbian Separatism is vehemently against all this trans crap and have named it as a female-hating cult from the beginning. Yes, there is Janice Raymond and so many others who have said no and said the truth. I did with my collective in our newspaper, Dykes and Gorgons, in 1973, and our book Dykes-Loving-Dykes in 1990.

We never stopped warning about this cult, so why are we slandered?

The issue of torturing children for profit by this cult could be what finally stops it, but so few know. This group is so important as one of the only ways this mess will be stopped.

Perhaps some privileged women never felt in danger from males, but most are and most have been assaulted as girls or adults. That has not lessened or stopped.

And it's much worse with the trans cult now. I live in Oakland, California, and almost now one I know even knows or cares about the triple hate crime murder of an interracial Lesbian couple and their son by a white man (whose pedophilic porn is still sold at Amazon) who claims to be a Lesbian.)

Rabbitholed #78: Dana Rivers Is the Story the Media Doesn't Want You to Read

"This is a story unparalleled in media censorship about deadly white male violence against a lesbian interracial couple and their black son. When the media goes silent, there is always a reason why."

Mandy Stadtmiller

Dec 8

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This is brilliant. I connect with every word of it and hope you're writing elsewhere for attribution.

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That’s good news. Keep up the fight!

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In my late 20's I had a hysterectomy, I might have settled for a dust and clean, as we used to call them, but the thought of 'having' to have a smear test in the future, pushed me towards the hysterectomy. Thats as an adult woman after two births, in my late 20's. If I was a girl in my early teens today, I would want rid of anything that meant I would avoid that.

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It has become a word that gets my hackles up.

Toxic femininity needs to be defined, what actions or behaviours is it denoting? What would an absence of this behaviour look like?

It sounds like it could be referring to a woman's ability to use her sexual prowess, to manipulate men.

Before we label behaviours as toxic, are they serving some other function that we are unable to observe, are they as a result of unknown stimulus.

What is a professional feminist?

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