Of course, they don't have long range studies for these young people to show they lived happily ever after...just at least one year after surgery for the Dutch protocol studies (in what is now understood be a honeymoon period for some). And other studies tend to lose lots of people. And even for the Dutch study, one of the original 70 who did have surgery died from complications--this young person was dropped from the results study (being unable to do the assessment a year post surgery like the 55 who were reported).

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Interesting to learn that Dr. Diane Ehrenshaft jumped from Satanic Rituals to Gender Ideology Cult.

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I think there's also something like Teacher Munchausen By Proxy. A few creative and intellectually gifted teen outcasts in a small friend group at school might move on if left to themselves. It's another matter when the teachers use new names and pronouns and celebrate them behind the parents' backs. Then, the loving parents are the only unreasonable people in the world who "have a problem with this" as our teen said when this was sprung on us half way through high school. I have high hopes for the Child & Parental Rights Campaign lawsuit filed in FL on behalf of the LIttlejohn family. There seems to be mission creep and overstepping boundaries in education. Maybe too many educators feel a need for this sort of attention. They are out of line defying parents. Our expensive private school would not respect us. They were smug.

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I appreciate your efforts and am glad you are out here fighting for your kids. I would, however urge you to follow the guidelines on writing about suicide. "Both boys eventually committed suicide. The trauma from this human experimentation could not be overcome. "

The experts ask that we never claim a specific event led to suicide. Suicide is way more complicated, and making such claims puts vulnerable people at risk. In the case of the Reimers, for instance, there was a family history to mental illness and suicide. There were multiple risk factors and there always are.

The transactivists do this all the time. We need to be the people who handle the topic with the care it deserves by following the guidelines of mental health experts.


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Lobotomies, opioids, hypnotism to discover allegedly repressed memories, Thalidomide, formula instead of nursing, and so on. There have been, as you say, many doctors in the past who were applauded for discovering and implementing wonderful new treatments for problems - existing or not - who gained fame and fortune, after which it was eventually realized that these new treatments were not beneficial, and were, in fact, quite detrimental. In some of these cases, the problem itself was being invented - such as the recovery of repressed memories that in fact never existed, or the idea that nursing was somehow bad for women and babies - yes, this is what young mothers were actually told. In the instant case, by telling young, impressionable kids and teens and even vulnerable young adults that, if they feel uncomfortable with their changing bodies or their social role, they have gender dysphoria that must be cured through medical transition, they turn people who, for the most part (with few exceptions, who could be treated with intense psychotherapy for their deeper issues with their bodies) would get over their teenage angst or social awkwardness and, in some cases, would end up simply gender non-conforming or gay, into life-long medical patients, dependent on synthetic hormones and treatments for the many inevitable problems they will experience once on those hormones - not to mention the surgeries. Where are these heroic doctors when the inevitable problems occur?

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The guidelines for endocrinologists and surgeons just says that someone has persistent well documented gender dysphoria and that if other concerns are present they must be well controlled, but no one defines well controlled.

If they have this distress it's one size fits all.

Diagnosis based on one symptom.

(What if we did that for headaches? Yes you have a headache-ok- brain surgery it is!)

After that, they're just "following orders".

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Nov 17, 2021Liked by PITT

You are lucky your child is not yet 18. I'd recommend some very strong restrictions on the internet and other forms of exposure to trans ideology. I found out too late & my 18 year old went off to college under the influence and has only deteriorated since then. "Affirmative care" is collusion with fantasy/delusion. The internet -- sissy porn especially -- exercises undo influence on vulnerable youth.

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