You and your son are both strong and brave. This nightmare won't last forever, we have to stop this non sense that keeps causing so much damage to children and their families

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Wow ... bless you for your dedication in the face of such madness ...

There is, though, one other ideology that works to keep parents of minors from being involved in life-altering medical decisions for their young children and teens ... and, like "affirming" a child's identity with love and "inclusion", it has a cover story (protection, health, safety) that makes sense if one doesn't look deeper at the carnage and scientific fraud it's based on ..

(If there were honest science behind vaccination, it could be, used carefully, a wonderful thing. Maybe there have been times it did more good than harm) .. But those who push it, push it relentlessly, can never admit mistakes, and ruthlessly attack critics - even if the critics have sound science and are willing to have a conversation.

And sometimes the same politicians are at the front of both of those issues, claiming care and protection and health and inclusion. ( ie Scott Wiener, CA state senator, San Francisco )

And pharma and those they control, through various means including ideological capture where they really mean well but don't understand the forces operating, or that the research on toddlers knowing they're trans because of the toys they play with or how they pee, and the research on vaccine safety, don't stand on anything real ... - they would love to, and try to, change laws so children don't need parents' consent for vaccines, either. And, with the covid vaccines, are the bribes, ice cream, gift cards, college scholarships, etc ...

And the villification of parents if they feel there is not sufficient basis to inject their children, with things proclaimed to be safe by a system that's fully captured, and in denial of reality on so many fronts ...

I'm not making a direct comparison to the outcomes .. plenty of people suffer no noticeable harms from vaccines ... and some vaccines (altho not the C-19 ones), prevent transmission of diseases to others. But the systems behind both have a pathological intolerance for challenges, a way of instantly demeaning anyone who dares ("Don't listen to the ANTI-s!"), and make proclamations that aren't supported by evidence .. and want children to take their medical products, even if it means rupturing the sacred parent - child relationship ...

And both have become so pathologically absurd in their loyalties, and the amount of injured so clear, and growing, and angry ... that they won't last long in controlling the narrative ...

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I’m glad you won the legal battle. That’s a beginning. Now keep fighting for the cultural battle. It feels like we’re living in the Twilight Zone - complete madness. Unbelievable that the world is so nuts.

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I put some of my gender cult nightmares into a series of AI-generated images, because the imprecision and "unreality" of the results most closely matched the dream-like experiences I was having. I put some at the end of this post https://dentonyogacarter.substack.com/p/ambiguous-grief-ai-and-dreaming-myself and am continuing to work on the series when I can. Thanks for a great post dentonyogacarter.substack.com

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This is absolutely the stuff of nightmares. I'm so glad you won custody. Thanks for writing this.

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Oh, my heavens, what a nightmare! I'm so glad you got sole custody. I pray blessings and truth surround you and that your son would come to realize he's a normal boy, in Jesus' name.

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Continued and enduring strength to you

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Thank you for your reply, but I don't think that's correct. I was surprised that people were referring to the author as a man. What makes me think it's a woman is that in the section, "My Son Today," in the first or second sentence it refers to the son's "other mother," making it sound like the author is also a female and is a mother to the boy.

Also, the author never refers to themselves as male or female other than that one reference to the other mother.

It would be kind of odd to refer to the woman who befriended and is perhaps the new partner of the author as the boy's mother, wouldn't it?

Thanks again.

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I’m not sure your 10 yr old boy is going to be able to articulate the pain from the damage done by your ex anytime soon. Boys generally speaking, take longer to wire their emotional and language parts of the brain than girls do. They often genuinely don’t know *how* to put feelings into words and get very easily overwhelmed by powerful ones. What I do know is that boys (and men) are significantly more likely to be open and emotionally vulnerable when positioned ‘shoulder to shoulder’ or engaged in a task like walking or doing something with their hands. Face to face, whilst vital for women and their emotional needs for verbal intimacy is often (unconsciously) interpreted as an attempt to intimidate or dominate by men and by boys who are smaller and weaker than adults.

The best time to have a difficult conversation with my husband is usually in the car on a drive somewhere. The task of driving helps keep him more emotionally regulated and focused on the issue proverbially ‘in front’ of us. Coffee walks are also great for this, but we rarely get them in anymore in the throes of raising toddlers.

Maybe what your son needs is a regular ritual doing something (a walk… day trip somewhere in a car, heck a table top game like Risk, might do the job) without an agenda. Your first few times will probably be very quiet or be discussing other stuff, keep going and keep the space open for him to do what he needs with it. He might eventually open up as he matures, he might not, but it’s never wasted time.

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I am also surprised you won sole custody considering what you were up against! What state did you win in? How did you win exactly? Your case should be widely shared so others can use it in their legal battles. What is the case number - I want to look it up and share it.

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022

The biological mother is not a lesbian--at least the father does not say that. The other mother is a step-mother. Many LGB folks are horrified by the destructive, misogynist, and homophobic trans 'gender' ideology. Transgenderism reifies old stereotypes and uses that as proof that a person who does not conform must be 'born in the wrong body' and is trans--it is utter madness. Many LGBs want nothing to do w/ trans and the reason the 'T''was force-teamed onto the LGB was for the 'T' to gain greater acceptance. LGB is a sex-based sexual orientation based on the material reality of sex but trans is based on an invented/constructed 'gender identity' ideology that came out of academia and is based on no material reality--LGB and T have nothing in common. Women's and LGB's rights are based on sex and are inherently in conflict w/ rights based on 'gender identity.'

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A nightmare indeed! Your son's other mom needs help, but she's not likely to be getting it from her current support network.

As I was reading I couldn't help but wonder if your son's other mom wanted so badly for her child to be a lesbian, that she is insisting on your son being a girl. Or, more likely, has his other mother now sworn off lesbianism as being too TERFy and is now fully in the TRA camp?

It's so, so sad.

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Two mothers in this story?

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Can someone please tell me how this is not Nuremberg-level experimentation on humans? And who is behind this? Where is the money coming from?

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Please get together with other sane parents and SUE THE PANTS OFF the schools, the therapists, the medics, ACLU and everyone who has been bewitched by this evil ideology and is leading children into a hellish adolescence and adulthood. Here in the UK a firm of lawyers has launched an appeal for plaintiffs and their parents to bring a case for medical negligence against the Tavistock Clinic, the "Gender Identity Service" for young people, which is owned and run by the National Health Service (deep pockets!). See: https://tavistockclaimlawyers.com/

You are so, so courageous. You are so loving. You will be vindicated one day... but it might take a huge law suit to bring sense to the US Gov, its public health dept and corrupt US medics.

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From all outward appearances, he was a stereotypical garden-variety boy. He was drawn to playing mostly with boys, loved hitting things with sticks, was obsessed with male superheroes and swords, and was a rough and tumble kid. Incredulously, when I pointed out these facts to the preschool director, she said, “your daughter is likely a tomboy.”

So the criteria for diagnosing gender dysphoria in children are largely based on whether the child engages in or expresses interest in activities stereotypically associated with the opposite sex. Yet if the child engages in activities associated with their biological sex, it’s still gender dysphoria because they are a gender nonconforming child of the opposite sex? It’s so clear there is only one “right” answer and everything will be contorted to get to that answer.

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