Excellent article! Merci à l'auteur! Où peut-on trouver le texte original en français?

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Excellent article, great research. I have only one comment. You write: "...from a classical feminist perspective, sex is a physiological datum that cannot be changed, but stereotypes and gender norms can be questioned and challenged. This is the spirit underlying texts such as the Woman's Declaration, an international declaration of women rights based on biological sex. Many lesbian and homosexual movements are also part of this classical feminist tradition."

"Sex is a physiological datum that cannot be changed." This is true. It is an actual, objective, biological fact, not a perspective. That classical feminism relies on this fact is important, but classical feminism is a consequence of this fact. The fact comes first.

Any so-called doctor, professor of medicine, psychologist or public health "expert" who refuses to acknowledge the enduring truth of this fact has been ideologically captured. They are lying. End of story.

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