My son never showed one sign of being interested in anything feminine. Two weeks after his 18th birthday, I received the email that he was transitioning. He moved in with his trans-supportive father. This was over two years ago, and in that time, I have been able to have about 15 minutes of interaction with my beloved baby boy in two different visits. I miss him. I ache for him. He will not contact me and I am blocked on every form of communication. He has a personal policy that if I won't be 100% supportive, I cannot be in his life. How can I support him using cross-sex hormones off-label for the next 80 years, or chopping off his healthy body parts and mutilating himself, using part of his colon to form a neo-vagina? How can I support him subjecting himself to all sorts of future medical problems? I feel like my son was MURDERED by the pseudo-female now inhabiting his body! However this narcissistic creature is the only one who can resurrect my sweet boy as well. It is daily, unending torture. And he is so cruel. So unbelievably and unabashedly cruel. I gave that child the best life, the ideal life. I never once let him down as a mother. I was there for him at every turn. I cannot think of one conflict he and I ever had before all of this began. There were no signs. There was just peace and calm and then utter destruction.

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I am going to say this in a spirit of trying to help. Had I been born now instead of the 1960’s I would almost certainly be transitioned, which would have sterilized me and prevented me from giving birth to my wonderful child. I thought I was a boy early on, I played with cars, trucks, and toy soldiers, and while my family and community was very accepting of my eccentricities, the school system was not. Once it was explained to me that I was a girl, and that I should play with other girls (not run around pretending to have gun and sword fights with the others), I tried to do that, only the teachers then confiscated my trucks and told me that playing with trucks was wrong, in front of the new friends I was trying to make, who fled because they didn’t want to get in trouble too. Years went by, and puberty hit, I was one of the last to get my period, at which point I was like everyone else. I had crushes (on boys), I dated, I married. My husband did say he thought I was like “one of the guys” but he sure didn’t treat me like one of the guys (unless inflicting tons of cooking and housework on the other guys is something that happens, which it doesn’t). Eventually we divorced (alcohol) and I got myself and our daughter out of there. I did the single mom thing and did not remarry, instead just trying to meet my obligations to my family and job. I did have a transitioned friend, poor soul is now deceased, they seem to die early.

Then the trans thing came for my daughter, who wasn’t like me in that regard, no trucks, toy soldiers, nosy teachers afraid the abnormality would spread to other children, nothing like that. So I shared my experience with my daughter, and that of my deceased friend. I explained that despite being different, I really didn’t think that dying early and undergoing sterilization was a thing I wanted to do. My conservative church-going family and community had welcomed me as I was, the only ones who gave me a hard time were teachers union types. I love my daughter, and I had to hold on to that through all the rainbow swag, odd outfits, and gayly fabulous everything. Yes, I have been informed that I should use gender neutral pronouns, but we may be coming out the other side of this thing OK. Since all of this happened I have gone through menopause, and I have to say now that hormones feel a bit like a dirty trick, but I’m still me, and my grandmothers words are the ones that resonate in my post-hormonal reality, so no harm no foul there.

I really do think this gender thing has gotten altogether unhelpful, considering that what gender boils down to is a division of labor. Any society that demands that members go under the knife and endure a ton of surgery and hormone therapy just to fit in, is an unjust, impractical, and evil society, and we should resist.

You have your work cut out for you, but try to repair your relationship with your son, and through hell and high water, stick by your kid, because whether we are right or wrong, we all need family and we all need love.

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I shed tears for your loss. I have so much grief over this evilness that plagues humanity and caused the death of my beautiful and only daughter as she transformed into an unrecognizable non-binery.

I already had three wonderful sons and so I was ecstatic because I always wanted a little girl. I am not able to fully articulate my story because I had a mental breakdown and am still processing .- as a single mother this was all too much for me. Until I found this group I thought I was the only person who was not okay with their child’s transformation.

My daughter had mental health issues that started on entrance to middle school and was being treated. All psychiatric visits were done without me being allowed in the room. But I trusted that I was doing the best for my daughter by getting her professional help. After one visit to a new psychologist she got the gender dysphoria diagnosis needed in my area to get testosterone from planned parenthood. I later found out this psychiatrist is known for easily proving this diagnosis at one visit. Subsequently, my daughter had her breasts removed and a hysterectomy.

Today, I don’t know the person my child has become and I am having trouble relating to “them” because my heart and soul knows that my beautiful daughter died. I feel such a sense of absolute failure that I was too naïve to know what was really happening on a global scale.

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Jun 13, 2022·edited Jun 13, 2022

Thank you for sharing your story, which is very similar to my own. My two kids (boy and girl, 3 years apart) were my pride and joy, and I was a doting and attentive father in all things. Both kids were geeky, but otherwise high-performing in all respects.

Both kids (now college-age) have come out as trans, with my son about as over-the-top as you can imagine, including HRT-induced breasts and an almost anime-girl look. It absolutely breaks my heart. To add insult to injury, the Blue-state Big-City dystopia in which I live encourages and celebrates all of this, while I am stigmatized as the bigot even when I raise the most innocuous common-sense objections. Even my wife, steeped in not wanting to appear "judgmental" or drive a larger wedge into the relationships, has meekly submitted and goes along to get along.

In another time or another place, both kids certainly would have had teen angst and perhaps mental health challenges, but I am convinced that both of my kids are casualties and/or useful idiots in the war the Hard Left is waging on Western Civilization. I hope and pray that one day soon sanity will return. Bless you all.

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I used to pray for grandchildren. God in His wisdom, did not answer that particular prayer - for which I am now grateful. How sad is that? Reading these heartbreaking stories brings tears to my eyes. It is pure insidious evil - my prayers are for all caught up in the maelstrom. I am Roman Catholic - and one of the Seers at Fatima predicted satan's final war will be on the family. I do believe we are seeing it now. God bless everyone on this thread.

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Thank you for sharing this devastating and powerful witness to the madness of gender ideology and what it's doing to families. As the father of six now grown kids with kids of their own, I can only imagine what you're going through.

One of the commenters said it's made them lose their belief in God. Maybe but one thing for sure: it's hard to come away from all this without a belief in Satan.

My son, Matt Walsh, recently did a documentary on this poisonous ideology. It's called What Is A Woman and exposes how what they're doing to our children is criminal...and evil.

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A million condolences. I'm in the same spot with my 15-year-old daughter who around this time last year decided she was a boy, adopted a new name, the whole bit. We don't interfere with her decision to present herself as she wishes at school, but at home we still use her birth name, we still refer to her as "her" and "she" and as my daughter, and that's not going to change.

I hope she grows out of it. She might not, I'll love her regardless. But like you, I look at the old family photos - her in her dresses, looking beautiful, smiling happily. Any suggestion that she "always felt like a boy," I reject out of hand. She has an older brother and grew up surrounded by "boy toys" - and always preferred her My Little Pony and Barbie dolls. Her "trans" identity is a direct result of the family moving across the country and tearing her away from her close friends after 3rd grade; her anger at that, and how that anger prevented her from making friends for a very long time in our new location; how that made her feel like an outsider; how, when she finally did make friends, they too were "outsiders"; and how she found a "community" online that cheered her "dysphoria," providing her validation from peers she never got from peers in real life.

It's all bullshit. It's all, in her case at least, typical teenaged angst that has now been provided a new outlet, a new explanation, a new ideology. And a supposedly more moral, more virtuous ideology too - being trans, you're a victim! Such complete and utter horseshit.

When my daughter came out to us (after she'd forgotten to remove a name tag from her band camp shirt with her new masculine name on it) I told her, I felt as if my daughter had died. That little girl I took to the Daddy-daughter dance; the "Frozen" Halloween costumes - she was basically asserting it was all a lie. But it WASN'T all a lie; what's happening now is the lie.

Hang in there.

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The key here (other than evil elites trying to destroy kids) in many cases seems to be: *autism.* Those on the spectrum are most at risk, it seems (which might ultimately be the legal hook to sue these monsters into oblivion). Also, sorry to be partisan, but 100% of those pushing the trans cult are Democrats. Bring down the Dems, and the cult fever will break. See how Dems are suddenly doing a 180 on their war on cops and love for felons? Dems losing elections over this is the best - and maybe only - way to save our kids. Dems could end this cult overnight if they wanted to. Sorry D’s, hold your noses and vote GOP, and tell everyone you know why you are doing it. After the cult is crushed, you can revive your party.

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Thank you for sharing this. I just returned from visiting my son (I refuse to say daughter) for a week. It's all about him. Sometimes I saw glimpses of my child, but the trans culture is ruthless. Prayers for you and all of our families, that these kids see the light!

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Thank you for sharing this. I am filled with profound sadness for you, your husband, your daughter and your son, who has been caught up in this insidious cult of gender.

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Jun 11, 2022·edited Jun 11, 2022

Thank you for sharing your story and for naming your deepest emotions for what they are. You are allowing yourself to feel the sadness and anger. Yet you are also moving on with your life without compromising on truth and reality. It's terribly painful, but it is the courageous thing to do. My heart breaks for you and your husband. At the same time, I'm grateful every time I read about parents who do not succumb to the lies, for the sake of preserving the relationship with their wayward kids. This is not helpful. Even though we love our kids and would die for them, we don't worship them. We don't make the relationship with our kids the end-all and be-all of our existence. Truth and reality must prevail over lies, otherwise our very existence is meaningless. Thanks again, and God bless you on your journey. May you find peace and comfort knowing that others care and are praying for you and your son.

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Jun 11, 2022·edited Jun 11, 2022

I'm familiar with your pain. I'm the mother of a beautiful daughter who was stolen by this cult.

My heart goes out to you and to your family. I'm so sorry. Thank you so much for your love and for your strength. You are a great mother. Please, don't give up.

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Thank you for this raw, honest insight. Fighting gender ideology has robbed me of my belief in God - so instead of prayer, I will hope with my whole heart that your son returns to reality and the family that so clearly adores him.

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Dear Friend, oh how I wish I could give you a big hug. Thank you so very much for writing your family's story. It could be my family's story. I have a granddaughter who thinks she is a man, and two grandsons who think they are women. I long to shake them, as badly as I want to hug them as I used to hoping to make things better for them. How could they, the three of them, all so loved, so unique and precious, buy into this horrible lie? But all the pieces were there; autism, mental health issues, enduring abuse of many kinds, bullying, sensitivity, the list goes on. The trap was set by social media, the engineering and pushing of the cult, social contagion, greedy corporations including medical "experts", political hacks, and by the blurring of the line between right and wrong. Dear Friend, there is hope. Every day, more detransitioners, doctors, counselors, teachers, scientists, journalists, parents, family members and friends are speaking out. You took the step to speak out. I find much solace here at PITT, as we share, and comfort one another, and every day, I turn my loved ones over to the One who loves us best. Thank you, will be praying.

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This is such a tragic situation. How many families are being torn apart in this way? And unlike so many other calamities that can befall a family, this is one in which the state and most health professionals collude. As a health professional and therapist, I know many of my colleagues are appalled by this mass experiment but so many are too afraid to speak up. I’m speaking up in the hope that others will take courage also. I look forward to the day when therapists and clinicians will be called to account for their actions, though I know that can never bring back the lost years or lives sacrificed to this ideology.

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Es muy triste leer esto, aférrate mucho a Dios y ora mucho, Dios bendiga y guíe a tu hijo u a ustedes cómo familia, un fuerte abrazo de consuelo.

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