Very well-written, with points clearly stated, explains clearly this rare occurrence with the effects in daily life & development

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Thank you, thank you, thank you! As the mother of a son with 48XXXY, I feel like you ran through my brain and so brilliantly put together all the thoughts I haven’t been able to get to paper. I will be sharing far and wide.

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I appreciate this so much! Thank you.

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Thank you for sharing this. I hate the fact the activists use conditions like your son’s to “prove” their ideology.

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This is such a great article. thank you so much!

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Thank you very much for that explanations. Best regards Brigitte. Ich wish you all the best ♥️

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I've educated myself on Klinefelter's Syndrome ~ 30 years ago when I was referred to provide physical therapy to a patient who had it as a comorbidity (to the diagnosis for which I was providing physical therapy). Since then, I treated a few additional patients who also had Klinefelter's.

I was angry, but not shocked, when the "transgender cult" "claimed" people with this condition (as well as XXYY Syndrome, Turner's Syndrome, etc).

Thank you for writing this article. My best to you, your son and the rest of your family.

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NPR is one of the primary providers of woke lies there is, broadcasting bias confirmation from leftist universities to millions of progressives. Pure "1984" radio.

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Feb 16, 2023·edited Jul 2, 2023

Thank you for this educational article. It came at the right time. The anti science, anti women, anti Democratic, religious movement, has evolving talking points. They all repeat things from Google searches, as more scientific questions are posed. The latest is; that there are trans frogs and fish, intersex people etc. etc, and therefore their ideologies are real, yada yada yada, and I'm a, TERF, Nazi.. blah blah blah, you know, the usual BS. Personally, I don't think accepting the laws of nature are "radical," but maybe they actually are these days? Because you know, nature is a bigot. She is. She designed a perfect system of balance and harmony, that has worked for Millenia. We are constructs of her, regardless of belief. Many Trans women support the laws of nature, reality and science, while living their true authentic life. I support them, and admire their courage. It's just these radicals that are screaming the loudest. I'm sure this condition will be used soon in their talking points. And if you point out that it's a, genetic condition, you'll just be name- called and demonized for inserting reality into their magical- belief -system. Reality is tyranny to this extreme bunch.

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Thank you for sharing your story and educating me and others. It's good to learn actual scientific information that dispels yet another reason it's normal to be "born in the wrong body."

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This is interesting. In college I had a roommate with kleinfelfer. But she was a female, at least, that’s how she was living.

You could tell from looking at her that there was something off (very tall, gangly. Broad shoulders, wide jaw, etc), and she had behavioral/social issues too. I remember one day she revealed to us (it was an apartment style dorm with 4 girls) that she had a genetic condition called kleinfelter and that she had XXY chromosomes and penis but her parents raised her as a girl. She had breasts, so I don’t know if that’s a typical thing or not. One of the roommates was livid. The rest of us were compassionate but we didn’t really ask too much more about it and just tried to support her.

I didn’t realize this only affects males as that has been my only experience hearing of anyone with kleinfelter.

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I am XXY, I wasn’t diagnosed until my late teens. This was several decades ago, and as a male I was offered Testosterone first by weekly injections, and much later by gel. I’ve led a fairly normal adult life, yes, my muscle tone has always been lacking , I’ve always been tall and gangly, brain function wise my attention levels leave much to be desired but I’m intelligent and I’ve learnt to work around my attention limitations without alerting anyone. I have a well paid job and I’m happily married.

In my 20’s I was a bit undecided about my gender and when the gel became available, I went abroad for several years, had all types of relationships and through trial and error, I discovered I was a straight guy attracted to females. I did need to find this out for myself and it was a personal journey so I hadn’t told anyone back home before or since about this episode in my life. Also this was decades before the current obsession with gender.

I follow this Stack because I wonder what would have happened had I been born later and been diagnosed in this current period. I was so vulnerable back then, no hormones throughout my teenage years, I went through puberty 6 years after everyone else. I’m sure mentally I would have been open to convincing sounding professionals and who knows what agendas would have been pushed on to me. I am grateful I was left alone to make my own decisions and find my own way through a very difficult period.

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Thank you x

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Thank you for such an informative and enlightening article. My prayers are with you and your son. You have given us another view on this war that we are in. Shame on the ones that are using every aspect of life to support the insanity of so-called transgender ideology. It is indeed a cult and has become a religion to many. God has blessed your son with you as his parent as you have been blessed by him. Love, Indio.

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I did not know that this is what Klinefelter was.

So, in essence, it's an extra chromosome.......but not an autosomal one? Humans have 44 autosomal chromosomes and 2 sex ones normally.

If instead of an extra sex chromosome, he had had an extra chromosome 21....that would have been Down Syndrome, I believe?

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