Ugh. Reading those sex ed standards was painful. Can we demand equal representation of side effects and risks of puberty suppression and cross sex hormones. And also equal representation of detransitioners/desisters as trans individuals?

In sweden this is what reversed their curve referrals to gender clinics is on the decline. Equal media portrayals. Equal representation of successes and failure. I am sick and tired of this notion that puberty blockers are benign and reversible. And that cross sex hormones are fine and easy.

Im so over it all. Im over abortion rights rallies becoming transrights rallies. Why is it wrong to be a woman? How do I navigate this dance between wanting my youngest daughter to be proud to be a woman, discuss the injustices with her. While tiptoeing around my eldest who is still “a boy”.

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lol, they always have to have some sort of ridiculous name, don't they? TIFs have variations of Aidan, while TIMs have something that refers to male genitalia like "Phalen" or "Hurcum" or "Phallusia McGirldique" (ok, I made that last one up)...

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There's a wall ready for these people to be lined up against.

Take your kids out of government schools.

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I have no words. It’s so wrong on every level. These kids are going to mutilate their bodies and don’t even need a parent’s permission at the age of 16+! My daughter is 15 and “trans”. She plans on having her breasts removed when she’s 16!!?? I’m sick. This generation is headed for mental breakdown disaster. Mark my words. I can only pray...

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I think I need a drink after reading that one.

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It occurs to me that corporate interests created a world in which everyone was told we had to chase an unattainable ideal, for the purposes of selling us creams and pills and surgeries required to pursue that ideal. The more we bought, the more products we were told we just HAD to buy till we were being peddled insane things like butt crack whitening creams, Vajazzling, people injecting their lips and other parts of their anatomy to bizarre proportions, etc. At the same time, the media/Hollywood + social media created a world in which people were obsessively rewarded with adulation for their appearance - far more so than a highly successful person of mediocre beauty. The rest of us are all but openly told we are wastes of space if we aren't gorgeous.

What if you're a person who never COULD attain that ideal, as the gender you were born with? You've come into a world in which people are rewarded for their physical form alone, and you can never Wouldn't it make sense, even if only on a subconscious level, in that scenario to "jump ship" to reach the physical form of the opposite gender, to receive that adulation? It sure seems to be at least part of this puzzle.

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The National Sex Education Standards document is beyond horrifying -pure indoctrination that will no doubt continue the pipelining of vulnerable kids to medicalization. Naturally the word Detransitioner is not included in the glossary of terms.

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This makes me so sad and worried for all the vulnerable young girls and boys. I am learning more and more how my poor vulnerable daughter was conditioned/brainwashed into thinking she is one of them—“born in the wrong body”. It’s sickening and horrifyingly what is being done to these young people. I am angry at all the people and companies making money this way. I am so angry that we don’t have laws to protect kids against this.

Parents, they are after ALL our kids, Please keep them off of internet as much as possible and keep them out of government schools. You Tube is not a safe place for kids, neither is most social media. Don’t think it can’t happen in your family—I never thought this would happen in my family.

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Thank you for sharing this.

I read this site so I don’t feel alone after this cult stole my daughter 3 years ago.

But I have to admit that these type of films pull the scab off my wound every time.

To think that I lost my child partly to you tube makes me so angry and distraught. I can’t shake off this crippling pain.

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022

This made me so upset. I am beyond shocked! I am so sad for parents and horrified for the mind poisoning that is happening to our innocent children. The trans movement is a lie and is causing a generation to be sterile - it is no longer about Female or Male but about becoming an “IT” a non-sexual person. I am so angry that the schools are supporting this and lying to parents. How did our society switch its focus on sexuality and gender instead of the well being of our youth? I am waking up In the night to pray and crying out to God to right this wrong!

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Thank you for this article. I’m a stone’s throw from Jersey with a teenager in public high school who has hurtled down the trans pipeline from pansexual to lesbian to now transmasc gay boy and thinks she can take “just hormones and stuff” to deepen her voice. She wears her binder to school a few days a week and experiences gender euphoria when the bus driver calls her dude. As a parent I feel beyond hopeless against a foe that’s infiltrated her school, her friends, their parents, media, social media, the government and medicine. With 29.4K detransitioners and counting you’d think maybe there’d be room for a number of perspectives on the matter but unfortunately we’re not there yet. Eventually it will come crashing down. I pray it doesn’t take my daughter with it.

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This is improperly treated mental illness. A travesty on all of our children who could live such better lives if they weren't captured and seduced by the cult and encouraged by society.

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This is a holocaust.

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Thanks for sharing this and for the very objective way you provided the information. I think you are correct that many young trans people are seduced by the attention as well as the business aspect, and they are young enough to not have enough perspective to care about the harm they are doing to themselves and the harm they are encouraging others to participate in.

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deletedMay 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022
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