May God continue to bless you. Thank you for your bravery, honesty, and detailed explanation of the steps you took - I am grateful to our Lord for rescuing you and giving your life meaning and a purpose again. You have a strong story to tell and there are hundreds of desperate and confused boys and girls caught up in the trans cult who need to hear it. Best wishes to you.

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Thank you for sharing your pain and thank you for pointing to God as your healing. My heart goes out to you. You deserve so much better than you have experienced in your life. God does love you!

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Thank you for being one of the few to bring Jesus into this forum. Have you seen The Chosen?

Your video of this poem is so good! The words are great but the way you captured the avatar building and gaming alongside the words describes our culture right now. I am so sorry for the pain you endured as a childh. I am praising God, however, for your voice in this mad, mad world. Your unique perspective will comfort so many and witness to so many. Praise Jesus.

I sat with a Christian woman today who admitted putting her gender confused daughter before her relationship with Jesus. And I got to tell her He wants her 1st, all of her, and if this is what leads her back to Him, well, praise God. This is temporary.

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I haven't read this post yet (so apologies for being off-topic), but was just floored by this in my email from Christopher Rufo:


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What a blessing! God help you through it.

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Thank you for sharing your journey so bravely and clearly. May your walk with God continue to bring you healing and peace.

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Hi Suzette, you have hit on an immensely important issue, part of a larger group of questions that the author is desperately trying to come to grips with: what am I? Who is God? What is the best way to know the difference between a true understanding of the nature of the world and a web of lies?

The web of lies has brought him to the brink of trying to disguise himself with a medical “deep fake” so that he can look and maybe feel like a woman- at least not look like a man. He now wants to look at the world as it is even though that pains him immensely.

He is now choosing to look at the world through a Christian lens, which tells him that he is what he was born to be: a man. This lens also says to be honest, kind and generous. Our society generally supports those things. But it also says things about the beginning of our lives that our society doesn’t have consensus on.

I suspect, because his wording resonates with Catholic thought, that his logic goes something like: at conception that which was conceived is alive, is unique and has the capacity to be born, breathe, grow, think, talk, etc. To remove that fetus/potential baby/actual baby from his/her mother’s womb so that he/she will cease to be living sounds like murder.

Our society does not call it murder because we value the mother’s freedom of action over the life of what doesn’t yet look much like a baby- at least during the first trimester.

Our mental picture of murder is informed by books, movies and stories where brutal direct force (say, strangulation) is used to kill an independent child or adult.

Using logic, rather than mental pictures, it is reasonable to call abortion murder. While it it involves a medical procedure, it is more. We may choose not to call it murder, but it not a hernia repair.

One last thought:

Oddly enough, should he have chosen to medically transition, he would be sterilized- as if he had a vasectomy.

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There is no deeper trauma to the spirit than a child harmed and there is particular evil assigned to those who would cause and later exploit those wounds. Such a compelling testimony of this early harm, the coping strategies and the spiritual wrestling. A normal reaction to an abnormal situation. The truth really does set us free. This honesty, humility and willingness is fertile ground for God to heal the spirit. Stay close to safe people and God bless you on this journey.

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Dear Young Person,

I am so sorry for the abuse you have suffered. But abortion is a medical procedure like a vasectomy,

abortion is not murder .

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Beautiful. You have come to the one Truth that will set anyone who believes in it free. God bless you.

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I truly believe that finding God will be the only hope for my child who lives as a transgender person. Thank you for sharing your journey. It gives hope to me at least that if you found your way back to God, my child can too. He☝️ Will make ALL things new. He☝️ can heal and restore. Keep seeking God. He was with you through the storm and He will part the dark clouds and shine His healing and loving light on your life! "May the Lord bless you and keep you, May He make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you, May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."Numbers 6:24-26

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May God bless you, and keep you, and make His face shine upon you!!

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Oh this is so beautiful, what a journey, but you came to the right place! God bless you abundantly for that! May many others find the same through your simple yet powerful testimony. May they see the fearful and wonderful creation that they are in the Creator's hands. May they come to the place where true identity, complete wholeness and healing are found... only to be found in the safe and loving arms of Jesus Christ!

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Aug 31, 2022·edited Aug 31, 2022

Thank you for sharing this. My heart grieves the physical and sexual abuse you suffered. I'm so sorry. :( Praying God heals and strengthens your heart. I love the verse that says He restores the years the locusts have eaten. I'm hoping you see this.

I have a question--did anyone keep trying to reach out to you along the way, to share others' detrans stories with you? Or did you just come back to this on your own? I keep wondering if I should show my son these writings, stories like yours, if it would help to stop the desire/path twd medical transition when he's on his own...in so many other ways, he's been wise to learn from others' mistakes. But this trans ideology is different. And he too has decided he's agnostic, although very morally conservative--for now--for which we're so grateful.

We just keep loving him, living our lives as Christian believers, hoping that bc he's still dependent on us financially and doesn't have easy access to medical/hormonal transition (which we're not providing) that he'll MAYBE grow out of it.

Thank you again for sharing this. Praying those who need to see it DO see it.

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Thank you for sharing your message. I hope you will continue to reach out to others offering hope.

My daughter also abandoned the faith as her friend also had done. They saw no reason to be honest to themselves or others. Lying about age on Facebook age 12 was the start of a slippery slope leading to a false male identity. Are people trying to escape from themselves?

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