I just want it to stop.

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You may need a lawsuit.

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Keep your documents parents. Find the shark attorneys out there. Once your daughter feels her regret and is ready to sue go get the university. Find out who the largest donors are, write them about what the school did to your daughter. Send them the story. Money is the only thing that makes companies and universities like them change.

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Our young person came to you to hone their critical thinking--have you even read the basis for affirmation? Perhaps Cantor's 2019 rebuttal to the AAP policy? https://doi.org/10.1080/0092623X.2019.1698481

Are you aware that your health services are legally liable since these drugs are off label for treating gender dysphoria with the FDA (since they have not been shown to be safe or effective?)?

I hope you get sued out of existence, but all the money in the world will not undo what you did to these young people when they came to you for help.

[I know your clinic probably tells you there isn't time to get on label, but with around 4% of college students identifying as transgender, don't you think that there would have been at least as much incentive as there was for getting drugs on FDA label for precocious puberty for children, much rarer, and that has happened. In fact, there have been many studies, but none are giving the results for safety and effectiveness that they need to get it on label. And the longest most comprehensive study, done in Sweden, found no benefit to hormones.Look at https://segm.org/ajp_correction_2020 ]

What you are doing the bodies and futures of these young people is unforgivable.

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