Wow. Unbelievable. I don't have a social media following to speak of but I try to share things I think need to be shared. This def needs to be read by many & these questions need to be considered & answered.

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brilliant and heartbreaking. indeed the sale of estrogen has a storied past also.

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Amazing. I do not respond often, however….I’ve noticed with my daughter ( thank you Stella) finding a voice outside of gender ( especially with our ADHD.ASD) exploring youth a Marxist mentality speaks volumes to them. Uh, hello big pharma?

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Of course, the Vaccine Manufacturers are going to do everything possible to maintain the lie that “There is nothing wrong with our vaccine formulations”. Do you remember the lies that the Tobacco Industry maintained for over fifty years, about smoking being “safe”? They had many paid shills: Scientists, Congressmen, Lobbyists, and a bevy of Lawyers on Retainer in their back pockets at the time. Profits were so high, and the risk of being found out, was so great, that they could well afford to pay the shills. However, they were eventually sued for BILLIONS!

What do you think the Vaccine Industry would have to pay when it finally is proven that they have been blatantly lying about the safety of their products? They too have many paid shills: Scientists, Congressmen, and Lobbyists. Profits are so high, and the risk of being found out, is so great, that they can well afford to pay the shills.

However, they USED to have a bevy of Lawyers on Retainer in their back pockets… but they don’t really need all those Lawyers anymore…


Nothing says, “Trust the Science” like “You can’t sue us if anything goes wrong!”

Big Pharma became a law unto itself. They can put toxic ingredients in your vaccines, and they can seriously injure yourself or your child – but now you cannot sue them. “What you have to understand is that the vaccine regimen changed dramatically around 1989. The reason it changed, is that Congress, drowning in the pharmaceutical industry’s Lobbyist money, did something they have never done for any other industry – Congress gave BLANKET LEGAL IMMUNITY to all the vaccine companies.

“No matter how sloppy the line protocols, no matter how absent the quality control, no matter how toxic the ingredients, or egregious the injury to yourself or your child, you cannot sue them”.

“So, there are no depositions, there’s no discovery, there are no class action suits. Suddenly vaccines became enormously profitable”.


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Great letter. It's very hopeful, but frankly ... hopeless.

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Sorry- Bernie Sanders, like Trump, is a demagogue. Demagogues offer simple solutions to complex problems for unthinking people.

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He's controlled. Good luck.

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Bravo! Your letter is fabulous, and I hope it makes it into his hands and his staff 🤞I believe Bernie will do something about this! It gives us all hope. Thank you.

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Thank you for writing this. I am also a Bernie supporter and I hope he responds to you. I do think many people are starting to question gender ideology, and I hope this grows.

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The only politicians that have spoken out against the transcult or done anything to stop the transitioning of children have all been Republicans. Bernie's youth base, with a significant percentage consisting of Antifa types, have a disproportionate number of transcult true believers. Even a cursory view of Antifa's social media can demonstrate that this is the case.

I think your letter is well written and on point but it seems futile to continue to pretend that those who are benefitting from the transcult such as radical politicians on the left, would suddenly reverse themselves simply for the sake of truth or basic concern for the well being of Americans. Radicals need enemies to motivate their base and Bernie's base, by and large, has decided that those who oppose the transcult are an enemy.

One more point, you said "We understand there are good people out there who unequivocally support the use of puberty blockers in kids with gender dysphoria." Although this statement is professional and agreeable, it's not true. The doctors and most healthcare workers transitioning children do know or should know, the puberty blockers are dangerous and bad for a multitude of reasons. They simply do not care because the transcult narrative is reinforced no matter evidence to the contrary. They are not interested in truth, medical ramifications or the science. They are interested in maintaining the narrative for the sake of their prestige, position, influence, profit and power.

The medical professionals, government regulators and transcult apologists in their professional capacities are at best, derelict in the responsibilities and duties. That's at best. However, I don't believe that most of them even fit this category. Most of them know what they are doing and signed up for it no matter the consequences. Those consequences have been and still are becoming disastrous for those whose lives have been upended by the transcult. It is just not believable that a doctor doing full mastectomies on pubescent girls and young women is acting in good faith. I do realize that calling evil, evil, isn't a way to win friends and influence people but evil has to be opposed by calling it out as evil, not by pretending those who do evil are just innocently mistaken on the facts or lack a set of data points that indicate the contrary.

It's a beautiful wish that Bernie, Obama or any left wing political leaders would come out and say and support what we know to be true and good, but there is little chance they will do that. Even if some here still believe the solution to this is found on the left wing, a premise I find absurd, it's not going to come from the established politicians that have already decided that their bread is buttered by the transcult. Your efforts would be far more valuable if you flipped a few up and coming politicians on the left against the transcult. Bernie's career basically ended in the 2020 primary and now he's just coasting until he's put out to pasture. He wants to go out as a hero of the transcult, not as a betrayer to the radical left.

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Well said. When will this madness stop.

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These kids walk into the doctor's office with their shopping list of treatments, and the words to say to get those treatments fully scripted by the trans influencers on the internet.

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Thank you for taking the time to set forth all of the information in the letter. I just cannot imagine that the younger 'Bernie bros' are not fairly indoctrinated into the 'gender' cult. Thank you again for the time and energy you took to write the letter.

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023

I would disagree with the position that there are "good" people out there giving puberty blockers to children. There are evil people giving puberty blockers to children, who know the harm they are causing and there are stupid people who think they are helping without any evidence that what they are doing is helpful. A good hearted fool is not good, especially if he is unwittingly practicing evil.

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Good piece! Good idea! If any progressives are maybe going to listen, it might well be Bernie. Or his wife. A+ for approaching people who have shown some genuine interest in humanity, and have the power to make some changes in the laws and fabric of our society.

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Op Ed. Cogent. Fact-filled.

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