The mental “health” profession should be ashamed of itself. They are proposing to “affirm” a decision that cannot be undone in mentally ill people. Worse, it’s children. Once they are cut, there’s no fixing it. Once they stop the development of their bodies, they are permanently damaged. It’s just lunacy.

I hope you’re able to get a decent outcome for your daughter.

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Wishing you well, and hoping you find a therapist who isn't themselves brainwashed. This site looks hopeful for healing for detransitioners, it's by a therapist who understands that gender can be explored without physical mutilation, and that there are terrible consequences for kids pushed into drugs and surgeries by "affirming" therapists ~ https://detranshealing.substack.com/p/holistic-psychotherapies-an-introduction

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Thank you for sharing your experience. It is too easy for girls to get testosterone behind our backs. Your warning is helpful to other parents as we all need to be highly vigilant.

Drug companies and governments do not care about our children. Testosterone is like a new contraceptive, freely available, but more like heroin in its addictiveness and damage.

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"they made it pretty clear they don’t think this was a bad outcome"

I had "friends" like that too. They are your enemies.

This time they got caught. They will try again.

Things will never get better until the good guys start hitting back. You're a Jew, imagine reporting "Hey we caught Eichmann! Huh? No we let him go."

I've been there. IMHO it is not your role to sue your tormentors, you need to seriously consider calling the police. Discuss with your lawyer the pros and cons of reporting your tormentors on criminal charges that may include

1. illegal possession of a Schedule III drug

2. with intent to distribute


Those are serious state and federal crimes. Your daughter is already the victim. She is the intended victim of more. For 98 days they poisoned her. Never forget that their dream is to "kill" your daughter and replace her with your new son.

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Weimar 2.0

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Thank you for your story - and the realization that our confused children will do anything to go against our wishes and that other people are out there to support them. Our lost trans-thinking children are being manipulated and are harming themselves not understanding the permanent damaged that is happening to their minds and bodies. I am sad for your heartache and that your precious daughter wants to disappear into the made-up world of pretending to be a boy. I hope you can help her find her way back. The trans-ideology poison is everywhere and we need to fight this together and stay strong to reveal the truth.

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ILL. Mutilation of children in the name of transgender-ism must stop.

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Thank you for this -- very important -- I hope it circulates widely. We were living in a conservative foreign country when our daughter fell into the trans world, so to some extent she ran into practical barriers in getting herself drugs or a binder. But unfortunately that didn't make her less convinced she was "trans" and needed to transition. The prevalence of affirming therapists is a nightmare, and we had the same experience of believing we had found one who would help her get to the root of her hatred of her body, only to be betrayed by that therapist -- and by our GP -- both of whom wrote recommendations for her to obtain testosterone and double mastectomy in the country where she is now going to college, age 19. Needless to say we cut ties with those two professionals, and since she is still expressing interest in therapy I continue to look for someone who is not captive to trans ideology. Unfortunately non-affirming therapists are few and far between and VERY BUSY!

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I’m sorry you’re dealing with this and that our children can obtain drugs behind our backs. The world has become insanely unsafe. We have to be even more vigilant than ever before. That’s scary.

This is my greatest fear, Testosterone! How in the hell can anyone think to give this to young girls!! My daughter is now 18. I should be celebration for her future, instead I fear for it.

I try to instill truth to her, a little here and there. Not too much at one time. I send her links to, hopefully, give her another voice of reason - not too often. It’s so hard because the rest of her world celebrates Trans people. There is no celebration in ruining a healthy body for life!!!!!!! Stupid people!!!!

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This has always been one of my fears with the binders, as we refuse to allow our daughter to wear one. But had no clue it was this easy to get T gel. It’s like an Underground Railroad, encouraged by people like the awful Eli Erlick.

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I wonder what the statistics are of those youngsters in the process of gender affirmation efforts, initially supported by well meaning parents who were raised in an irreligious household? Are the numbers bigger, the same or less for those who describe themselves as “practicing”?

The problem parents face is finding expert, personal help is that the financial incentives to support transgender actions are significant. I’m not sure any teacher could help say no and advise waiting for maturity without being fired.

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I am so sorry and I feel your pain. My 15 year old son says he's transgender and if I question him I'm not loving him. He's been raised in a Christian home and this has always been a discussion in our home. I know He was bullied on reddit.com . They called him everything from ugly to into incest because he had posted bible verses. I see now after that is when he fell head long into trans and cutting himself. Thank you for sharing!

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Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 23, 2022

I'm so sorry. My transing son got hormones through the mail after one phone call. The company that sells the hormones has their own "therapists" who provide approval during the phone call and immediately put them on a hormone subscription. My kid was 18, but I imagine it wouldn't be difficult to forge an ID that no one is ever going to see in person. I put myself on this company's mailing list to see what kind of advertising they send out. One ad read "Want to yeet your uterus? Same!" Even though the company is limited to selling drugs, they are also pushing surgeries with the message "this is what the cool kids are doing."

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I read this post earlier today and I just can’t get it out of my mind. I agree with at least one other comment about suing these people that helped your daughter get testosterone. Possibly even file a police report and pursue criminal charges. Seriously this is war and people like them are not going to stop grooming and enabling our kids if someone doesn’t stop them. If these people gave your daughter alcohol or marijuana (which would be much less harmful) that would be illegal. Please do something! This is so wrong!!!! It might make you unpopular in the neighborhood but I would stand with you and I think anyone with any common sense would agree.

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I’m so sorry for all the pain you’re going through and for your daughter. You clearly love her a lot.

Gender Ideology is a train with no brakes. We can’t flirt with it and think it won’t consume us. We must reject it from its core and give it no accommodation. That means embracing the reality that God created us as male and female and said it is good.

Otherwise, we’re only left with ‘Wait until you’re older or well-informed’ which will always be pushed downward and gives our kids no real protection.

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Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 23, 2022

There is an article on My Jewish Learning that explains the Talmudic belief in 8 different genders, including those aided by medi cull practices. I am so sorry this happened to you & your family. Prayers & hugs ♡

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