Hold it right there, your honor. Did I just see you make a hasty generalization about how you think a large amount of trans kids will detransition, and then not provide any evidence that isn’t anecdotal? This is the kind of thing that needs citation

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its not easy coming out of a cult. Lauren Marie talks about her experience leaving a cult. It could be a helpful resource for others looking to leave the gender cultists. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKY3wXl6s_3rmYGJdQGWMb-gJr5wbmQW8

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I think you are a wonderful, brave, and exemplary parent. None of us know what we're doing most of the time. You did what you thought was right and when you realized it wasn't, you had the courage to correct course. You sons will be forever grateful, and I am grateful for mother's like you who listen to their instincts and act, despite the fear of others' disapproval and vitriol. This is a beautiful story of a mother's love and inspires me to be braver! Thank you! I believe and pray your story will end well.

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You wrote: “I believe there is a tsunami of children who are in this group, whose stories we do not yet know, and whose wave will be flooding our awareness in the next decade to come.” I am so very afraid of this tsunami, but you are right… it is coming and the damage and destruction left in its wake is frightening.

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Thank you so much for this. I recommend Teal Swan on the issue


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Your story is so valuable, thank you for sharing it. 🙏💕 Despite judgments about a lesbian couple raising boys, this actually gives you more credibility amongst other progressives. So you're voice and story as a lesbian mom is needed and valuable. I know two parents struggling with this issue; one has a daughter whose peer group is starting to catch this extreme social contagion, and the other has a daughter who has already transitioned as an adult and is having psychological troubles. I helped raise two boys in a lesbian relationship. We've been a family for 26 years, and I'm thankful for the simplicity of raising them in the '80s. The biggest social pressure we moved against was taking away the TV, and keeping violent movies and violent video games out of our home. I think parenting is more complex these days with the internet, cell phones and living in liberal communities.

On a broader note, there have been so many signs for at least 20 years that our country is collapsing, as all countries do eventually. It's helpful to hold this trans extremism in that context. It seems we've been under fascist threat on the right via religious fascism, and now on the left with biomedical and other types of fascism. The totalitarian left seems stronger at this time. I feel similar to you - my progressive friends simply cannot see the fascist nature of coercing and requiring a genetic vaccine injection for a illness that has the death rate of the flu (this was always simple math from day one of the pandemic, dividing the number of deaths by the population) with a pharmaceutical product with 0.5% absolute efficacy (the 95% efficacy was relative efficacy, as reported by the New York Times and the British medical journal), and with absolutely unknown long-term side effects. My progressive friends can't see it; it's like the word "vaccine" connotates something magical, a belief system that it has to be "good", when really it's a pharmaceutical drug that hasn't completed normal safety testing. It's the same way your progressive friends can't see that gender ideology is a magical belief system that a person can change the sex of their body, rather than knowing they are only changing the looks of their body, which comes with consequences.

Take good care and I wish you and your family well. ✨

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You describe so well the moments the belief crumbled; I've had a similar experience though not with this ideology, but it really is a shocking feeling when the bottom falls out and the reality of the situation becomes clearer and clearer and bigger and bigger. This shocking truth as well : The same progressive left that I protested with in outrage at children being separated from their parents at the border would not blink an eye to separate children from their parents based on this ideology.

Thank you for writing and your brave honesty.

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I value you speaking out as someone who has been on both sides! I have always been outside the cult and you can now imagine our feelings when we see young children going through this. You managed to save your sons, but others are not so lucky.

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This brought tears to my eyes. If I could send you all the positive energy in the world, I would do so right now. Being a mother is so hard. We are always trying to do what’s best for our kids and at the same time feeling like we are somehow lacking. When what I ask my kids to do or not to do makes them unhappy in the moment, it takes so much strength to stick to my word. In regards to this particular subject, I have always told my children that it is important to be aware and accepting of their biological gender but not allow it to put them in a box. I think we have put too much focus on what we can’t do as boys or girls rather than applauding what makes us different and special.

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With no intention of sounding rude, it’s very hard to understand how someone can fall for what is a plainly a bonkers ideology--it’s like listening to an ex-Scientologist. It’s alarming that so many who are strong in the mind in terms of raw intelligence are weak in the mind when it comes to filtering out ideological nonsense.

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The mother instinct broke through all the ideology programming. Thank God! Bravo!

Normal people can't understand what the heck is going on in the heads of people who cross-dress their children. This article goes so far to bridge that gap in understanding and help us to begin conversations with them. Great contribution!

You said it is easier to get on the highway than off. Isn't it funny how it can be easier to accept lies than the truth?

It's clear you still feel some guilt and I would suggest you consider asking God to grant mercy. Just as a child needs the authority of his parents, so do we need the authority of God. If you reject it, you are only denying yourself peace and contentment. There are many gay churches these days.

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Thank you for speaking out and telling your story. I remember reading "True Believer", a very impactful piece.

The parents' influence is certainly a point that hasn't been looked at so much yet, probably because it takes quite some self-reflection and courage to realize when one errs as a parent. It's a bitter pill to swallow and it's one that many will avoid, especially when they are blinded by the sparkling ideas of gender ideology and their glorification of transition as a glittery search for identity: https://twoplustwo.substack.com/p/why-are-so-many-children-declaring

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

More parents need to put their feet down and just say, “No Johnny, you are a boy, not a girl.” Let them whine, cry, storm off to their rooms, hate you, whatever. They’ll eventually come around, secretly and sometimes not so secretly, be thankful for what you did: protect them. Protect them from whatever you want to call it — I oscillate between three: a left-wing cult, neo-Marxists, or Satan.

Apologies for getting political, but if you really want to dive deep down a rabbit hole, look at the similarities in cultures between 1920s Weimar Republic / pre-WW2 Germany and Europe / USA today. The West is being subverted by what was once Communism, now some perverted mixture of socialism and Maoism. If you go even further down the rabbit hole, Russia is currently fighting against this ideology taking over the West. Russia says they are fighting Nazis, they are actually fighting against the neo-Marxist, anti-gender, anti-religion, anti-nuclear family ideology, promoted by Marx and found in pre-WW2 Germany, that is plaguing us now. Ask yourself: is it possible we are on the wrong side of this war in Ukraine? I don’t know myself, but after the last few years, it seems our government is out of control.

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Thanks for sharing. We need more brave people to speak out against this mass formation.

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As a conservative Christian with real concerns about the totalitarian left and its rabid grasping for control on all levels of life, I deeply admire your self-reflection and your courage. All of us fall into spaces that seem virtuous and good and comfortable. Not all of us can absorb a painful truth and see ourselves in a new and terrible light. You did, and more importantly, you acted on it, risking status, safety and an element of political identity; that alone proves what no words can. You're a loving mother who put her child's well being above her own psychological comfort. Well done.

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Re "... will think I am a terrible, evil person who is not worthy of compassion. You have good reason to feel this way."

I disagree. Nobody is a terrible, evil person unworthy of compassion. Nobody. Not even Saddam Hussein or Hitler. They were children once, and deserving of compassion, despite the horrors of what they and other like them did.

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