It's easy to understand why someone would push the trans movement. It's also easy to arrest it given time and perseverance.

First, remove any belief that there is a god, and you're left with the conclusion that you are your own God and don't have any rules to obey save those you find the most attractive.

Second, let kids make their own decisions at a young age, which includes all those choices that can either lead to success and/or failure. Even permanent lifelong failure is an option since you'll never be able to make a law to stop surgical intervention happening everywhere, and parents are usually as dumb as the kids they raise. Why else would so many letters to this page be filled with parents who ignored the media on this altogether and got blindsided to how therapists and schools were pushing this movement until it affected them personally?!

Third and most crucial, make those who regret their irreversible decision become a living, breathing billboard of what a walking mistake looks like!

These detransitioners should serve as an example to what stupidity will lead to at a young age. Their stories should be heard and understood in the classrooms, the pulpits and throughout the media so other young impressionable types can be imprinted with their thinking to alert their good sense of well being to danger. And given the chance to catwalk before a new class of potential transition fools, the truth about what a BAD choice will get you will be more powerful than any propaganda the kids are receiving today about the whole operation.

It's no different than former drug addicts or convicts telling their stories at schools to inform kids what a life of crime and vice will get you in the end.

The lesson is not to prevent kids from transitioning after a certain age, some will always be lost causes, just make it so that they realize they need to pay it forward to the next generation to try and stop at least some from making the same mentally insane error that they did.

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Politics trumps religious belief ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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These same churches have rebelled against God for a long, long time and rebellion against God has consequences. Where were liberals when these same churches gave women the eldership and the pulpit? Where were these liberals when these same churches gave comfort and aid to the sodomites?For the record, there are bible-believing and bible-compliant churches that liberals had a choice to join, and to their own loss, they did not:

Galatians 6:7 AMP

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked [He will not allow Himself to be ridiculed, nor treated with contempt nor allow His precepts to be scornfully set aside]; for whatever a man sows, this and this only is what he will reap.

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It's a cult. Not quite a religion of its own, gender just gloms on to yours.

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Thank you...thank you....thank you

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One of the key tools in the anti-trans closet is humor. We need to remember that the trans are desperate for us to take them seriously. We need to stop taking them seriously, and to start laughing at them.

In this regard, I am starting a movement to call all trans "women" "Loretta". This is in reference to the famous scene in "Life of Brian" where the male actor reveals that he wants to have a baby, and to use the name "Loretta". So, if you are a trans woman, you are "Loretta" to me.

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I appreciate the intention of this letter and agree that clergy need to be called to account for their support of this harmful ideology. Please, though, stop using terms like "LGBTIQ+" when what you mean is "transgender activists" or "gender ideologues." The conflation of the historical gay community with the current madness was/is a strategy on the part of trans activists to elicit sympathy from unthinking progressives; what they now promote has nothing to do with what lesbians and gay men fought for in decades past. In fact, trans ideology disproportionately harms females, and especially lesbians, of whom I am one. So, please stop implying through use of this bastardized acronym that we support harmful gender ideology. An effective resistance cannot be rooted in the language trans activists strategically promote. (This includes adopting "preferred pronouns" as a gesture of "respect." Endorsing a lie is not respectful; it is, in fact, actively harmful in elevating delusion over material reality.)

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It was an evasive non-answer. I went away not knowing if there is a policy or not. Beyond using sex-observed-at birth, and not using preferred pronouns I don’t know what else the school can do. I doubt the policy is to call out the student in any way. What piqued my interest in the school was last year I happened to see a work sheet in my granddaughter’s school bag that was published by an SEL group.

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I’m not sure your faith in the good faith and sincerity of these pro-trans-the-kids is warranted. It makes for a nice essay but I suspect these “religious leaders “ aren’t really so ignorant. They know who butters their bread and they step in line. I gather the Russian clergy had their yes men under the communists, too. Fake religious leaders cater to the Regime. Nothing new, nothing innocent, nothing noble.

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When God is Absent in Our Life: Evil becomes the way of life!

• We cannot permit what the Church forbids.

• We cannot forbid what the Church permits.

• We must protect all Human Life, from Conception to Natural Death.

• Man’s laws cannot make moral what God has declared immoral. Even if sin is “legalized” by Man’s Laws, it is still a sin in the eyes of God.

• God’s own Word shall never change, no matter what his creation, which is humankind, deems as the new ‘reality’!

• GOD will NEVER approve of what GOD has condemned since the beginning of time, no matter what Man-Made laws are passed!

• “Yes, we are to love God and love each other. But if we love God, we will seek to obey His Word. Jesus told us, ‘If you love Me, keep My commandments’ (John 14:15). God defines what is sin, not us; and His Word is clear that homosexuality is sin,” – Franklin Graham

• The Ten Commandments were not created to be a pick-and-choose salad bar.

• Where does it say that GOD’s OWN Commandments shall be periodically updated?

• Where in the Bible does it say that GOD will allow YOU to decide, (or vote on) which of the Ten Commandments are currently relevant?

1. Any so-called “christian church” that accepts abortion, suicide, euthanasia, transgenderism, and/or homosexuality as an accepted practice, is NOT CHRISTIAN!

2. Abortion, euthanasia, suicide, transgenderism, and homosexuality are ALWAYS SINS!

3. Any person or church that accepts “chrislam” or “christianized islam” as an accepted practice and belief is NOT CHRISTIAN!

4. Anyone who supports any of the above is giving homage to Satan!

It is: “Love the sinner, but hate the sin!” -- St. Augustine of Hippo, 354 – 430 AD

Islam rejects God as a Father, Islam rejects Jesus as the divine Son of God and Islam rejects the Jewish people as the ancient inheritors of God’s promises. There is now a heretical movement that is quickly infecting the “christian” church with its creeping influence, called “Chrislam” that we must stop.

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Wow, this thread sure is something. Jokers to the left of me, clowns to right . . .

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Southern Baptist. There is an association, and a doctrine to which members agree, but no close oversight. I am sure if a SBC (Southern Baptist Convention member) went rogue there would be talk, but Brother Mike has no boss, per se. As a matter of interest, our pastor is going to be nominated to “run” for president of the Florida SBC chapter. He was out of divinity school only a few years, and was 2 years younger than church by-laws required, but we voted to offer him the position of pastor. That was over 2 years ago, and we’ve never regretted it or looked back.

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Are these the same clergy that think abortion is "okay"?

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This is so beautifully written. Thank you.

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say No, to bait and switch. that one minute such a things is acceptable ( lie) then later tell of the danger and harm

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Wow, thank you for those references & congratulations on accepting nonconforming behaviour. I think if parents were more tolerant of sons growing long hair & painting their nails ( for example), fewer children would suddenly disappear at 18. Let teens be a little wild & crazy & even genderfluid without medicalizing it or tolerating drugs & other destructive abuse.

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