Thank you for addressing these issues from these important perspectives.

I would add that the transgenderization movement is limiting the definitions of man and woman to very narrow traditional models, while insisting that if you want to look like a specific gender model, then your body must match. And, convenient for the trans-radicals, if you don’t identify with their gender model matching your body, you will be physically altered and neutered in the process, which amounts to “cleansing“ the population of deviation in future generations. This is more like a fascist action than anything else it may pretend to be.

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This movement is Totalitarian (at best), a form of Fascist thinking and anti-humanist.

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Thank you for this article. I think it is the most important one yet. I often think of The Chinese Cultural Revolution myself.

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Thank you!

You have shown that State or ideology sponsored separation of kids from patents is always a move for power and not for provision. Its about societal change. Often the movers, like trans activists, dont have kids of their own.

Abusive families do need intervention, but abusive families are the exception, while activists would make them the rule.

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In England I observed the same destructive tendency to destroy the traditional family unit. The State has become overpowering.

The chances of me being shot are less than in China, and the good news is I have more freedom of speech now that websites such as this exist.

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Thank you for a thoughtful piece that helps put this anti-family trend into historical perspective. I found the comparison to Maoist thought particularly apt.

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"The impulse to help gender-questioning children,"....we all want to help them. The problem is thinking that the help required is locking out the parents, helping with social and medical transition, etc., and acting on it. Keeping the parents in the dark, colluding, in some cases, mental illness (do they help anorexics get what they wish?), and not even being responsible enough to learn these interventions lack an evidence base and have terribly harmed many.

Our schools are not qualified nor hired to do (especially non evidence supported) psychosocial interventions without parental approval or involvement. It's pure and destructive hubris.

On our dime.

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This is one of the most important articles PITT has published. It takes all the heartbreaking and infuriating stories published here up to now and highlights the ideological and organizational corruption that underlies them all. If parents think critical race theory is bad for society, it has nothing on gender ideology.

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Anche le sette religiose come prima cosa allontanano i sudditi dalle loro famiglie amorevoli, è il modo per rendere più vulnerabili e sicuramente meno lucidi le persone che si vogliono manipolare.....per me è quello che stanno facendo gli attivisti e tutto questo viene enfatizzato con l'utilizzo dei social in primis e dell'istruzione pubblica in secondo luogo.

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This is so well written! It is just undeniable that this has all gone way too far!

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